Module documentation

Module for enumerating and visualising non-dominated points.

This module comprises classes for different feasible domains, a class for multiple objectives and a class for enumerating and visualising different subsets of (non-dominated) points.

Available classes

represents the feasible domain of a(n abstract) generic optimisation problem.
represents the feasible domain of an assignment problem.
represents the feasible domain given by the vertices of a standard cube.
represents the feasible domain given by an explicitly given set of feasible solutions.
represents the objectives of a multi-criteria optimisation problem.
enumerates and visualises different sets of (non-dominated) points.
class polynondom.AssignmentDomain(agents)[source]

Bases: polynondom.GenericDomain

Feasible domain of an assignment problem.

The assignment problem has a number of agents and a(n equal) number of tasks. Any agent can be assigned to perform any task. A feasible solution is given by an assignment of agents to tasks in such a way that each agent is one task and all tasks are assigned by exactly by one agent.

Variables:num_agents (int) – Number of agents of corresponding assignment problem
Example:ad = AssignmentDomain(4)
class polynondom.CubeDomain(dim)[source]

Bases: polynondom.GenericDomain

Feasible domain given by the vertices of an n-dimensional standard cube.

Example:cd = CubeDomain(3)
exception polynondom.Error[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class polynondom.ExplicitDomain(dim, domain)[source]

Bases: polynondom.GenericDomain

Explicitely given feasible domain.

Variables:domain (Iterable) – Feasible domain
Example:ed = ExplicitDomain(3, some_iterable)
class polynondom.GenericDomain(dim)[source]

Bases: object

Feasible domain of a generic optimisation problem.

Variables:dim (int) – Dimension of feasible domain


Do not use this class directly.

exception polynondom.InfeasibleBoxError[source]

Bases: polynondom.Error

Rectangular box is infeasible.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class polynondom.Objectives[source]

Bases: object

Represents the objectives of a multi-criteria optimisation problem.

Variables:objectives (list) – Objective functions

Point in objective space corresponding to given solution.

Parameters:sol (Iterable) – Feasible solution
Returns:Image in objective space
Return type:tuple

Objective functions

Getter:Returns objectives as list of tuples
Setter:Appends objective (given by an Iterable) to list
Example:mult_crit.obj = [3, 2, -1] where mult_crit = Objectives()
classmethod read(file, *, delimiter=' ')[source]

Read objectives given via file.

  • file (str) – File(name) containing objectives
  • delimiter (str) – Delimiter (Defaults to ‘ ‘)
Return type:



obj =, delimiter=’,’) where filename corresponds to the location of the input file

class polynondom.Points(identifier, color)[source]

Bases: object

Represents certain set of points in objective space.

  • _id (str) – Identifier for points
  • _color (str) – Color used for visualisation of points
  • _visualised_items (list) – Container for visualised items
  • points (set) – Container for points

Add item to points.

Parameters:item (tuple) – Point belonging to point set

Add items to container storing visualised objects.

Parameters:items (matplotlib.collections.PathCollection) – Visualised items

Remove all visualised items from matplotlib figure.


Add items to points.

Parameters:items (iterable) – Points belonging to point set
class polynondom.PolyNondom[source]

Bases: object

Enumerates and visualises different sets of (non-dominated) points.

non-dominated point
A point y is non-dominated (in the point set P) if there is no other point z in P such that z_i <= y_i for all i with at least one strict inequality.
dominated point
A point is y is dominated if y is not non-dominated.
polynon-dominated point
A non-dominated point y is polynon-dominated (w.r.t. the underlying multi-objective problem) if the projection of the point is also non-dominated for the given multi-objective problem where one of the objectives was neglected
mononon-dominated point
A non-dominated point y is mononon-dominated if y is not polynon-dominated.

See also the mathematical definitions

  • _dim (int) – Dimension of objective space
  • _fig (Figure) – Figure object of matplotlib
  • _ax (Axes) – Axes object of matplotlib
  • _message (str) – Info message
  • points (dict) – Maps indentifier to Points
  • obj_to_polynd_points (list) – maps objective to polynon-dominated points
  • polynd_boxes (list) – Container for feasible boxes given by polynon-dominated points
  • _ax_limits (dict) – Maps coordinate axes to axes limits used in visualisation
  • _ax_setter (dict) – Maps coordinate axes to matplotlib functions used for setting axes limits

Clear current visualisation.

classmethod compute_points(domain, objectives)[source]

Computes points sets based on given feasible domain and objectives.

Computes dominated, non-dominated, polynon-dominated and mononon-dominated points in objective space based on given domain and objectives.

Return type:



ins = PolyNondom.compute_points(feas_dom, mult_crit) where feas_dom corresponds to GenericDomain and mult_crit corresponds to Objectives

classmethod read_points(file, *, delimiter=' ', all_nondom=False)[source]

Read points given via file.

Reads all points given via file, computes dominated, non-dominated, polynon-dominated and mononon-dominated points and returns corresponding instance.

  • file (str) – File(name) containing points in objective space
  • delimiter (str) – Delimiter for point coordinates (Defaults to ‘ ‘)
  • all_nondom (bool) – Specifier for all given points are non-dominated (Defaults to False)
Return type:



ins = PolyNondom.read_points(filename, delimiter=’,’) where filename corresponds to the location of the input file

visualise(id, *, my_color=None, my_width=0.8, my_style='--', my_marker='o', my_marker_size=40, with_lines=True)[source]

Visualises point sets corresponding to id.

  • id (str) – identifier corresponding to (combinations of) ‘d’ominated, ‘n’on-dominated, ‘p’olynon-dominated, ‘m’ononon-dominated points
  • my_color (str) – color to use for visualisation (Defaults are dominated points - black, non-domintated points - blue, polynon-dominated points - green, mononon-dominated points - brown
  • my_width (float) – width of lines (Default is 0.8)
  • my_style (str) – style used for lines (Default is ‘–’)
  • my_marker (str) – marker used for points (Default is ‘o’)
  • my_marker_size (int) – size used for marker (Default is 40)
  • with_lines (bool) – Specifier if lines should be visualised in the 3d case (Default is True)

ins.visualise(‘dp’, my_color=’blue’)

visualise_box(interval1, interval2, interval3=None, *, my_face_color='blue', my_alpha=0.2)[source]

Visualises given rectangular box.

  • interval1 (tuple) – first interval in Cartesian product corresponding to box
  • interval2 (tuple) – second interval in Cartesian product corresponding to box
  • interval3 (tuple) – (in 3d case) third interval in Cartesian product corresponding to box
  • my_face_color (str) – color used to visualise faces of box (Default is blue)
  • my_alpha (float) – alpha value used for coloring faces

ins.visualise_box((3, 4), (5, 7), (3, 5), my_face_color=’red’)


Adjust size of figure to include box in any case.


Visualises all feasible boxes given by polynon-dominated points.


Command line interface.