Command Line Interface


Not all features are available through the command line interface.

Enumerates and visualises different sets of non-dominated points

usage: [-h] {points,objs} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit objs

Read objectives given in input file.

usage: objs [-h] -f input_file [--delim delimiter]
                              [-v {d,n,m,p} [{d,n,m,p} ...]]
                              [-c {red,blue,black,brown,green}] [--noLines]
                              (--assignment | --cube)
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-f <input_file>, --file <input_file>

Each line in the input file is assumed to contain an opening bracket [ and a closing bracket ] which contain the input values.

--delim <delimiter>

Delimiter used to delimited the input values within the brackets (defaults to space).

-v {d,n,m,p}, --visualise {d,n,m,p}

specify which points to visualise: (d)ominated, (n)on-dominated, (p)olynon-dominated, (m)ononon-dominated

-c {red,blue,black,brown,green}, --color {red,blue,black,brown,green}

Color used for point visualisation


Specify that line projections of points should not be displayed. This might improve the general overview in 3d visualisation if many points are involved.


Specify that corresponding domain is an assignment problem.


Specify that corresponding domain are the vertices of a cube. points

Read pre-computed points given in input file.

usage: points [-h] -f input_file [--delim delimiter]
                                [-v {d,n,m,p} [{d,n,m,p} ...]]
                                [-c {red,blue,black,brown,green}] [--noLines]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-f <input_file>, --file <input_file>

Each line in the input file is assumed to contain an opening bracket [ and a closing bracket ] which contain the input values.

--delim <delimiter>

Delimiter used to delimited the input values within the brackets (defaults to space).

-v {d,n,m,p}, --visualise {d,n,m,p}

specify which points to visualise: (d)ominated, (n)on-dominated, (p)olynon-dominated, (m)ononon-dominated

-c {red,blue,black,brown,green}, --color {red,blue,black,brown,green}

Color used for point visualisation


Specify that line projections of points should not be displayed. This might improve the general overview in 3d visualisation if many points are involved.


Switch to indicate that all pre-computed points are known to be non-dominated (defaults to False)